Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a type of vein disease that occurs when a blood clot forms in the deep, larger veins of the legs as a result of slow moving blood. Clots that form in an artery or vein can be life threatening and require urgent medical evaluation as they can lead to heart attack, stroke or another life-threatening clot. An estimated 900,000 people have DVT in the United States, but the good news is this condition is both preventable and treatable if it’s discovered early.
Seven Common Signs of DVT
If you’re experiencing one or more of the symptoms below, call your doctor right away—especially if they appear suddenly. Here are seven common signs of DVT:
- You notice swelling in one or both of the legs.
- The skin on your leg becomes warm to the touch.
- The skin on your leg becomes red or discolored.
- The visible veins in your leg become swollen, red, hard or tender to the touch.
- You experience persistent pain, tenderness, numbness or itchiness in the leg, ankle, foot or arm particularly while standing or walking.
- Pain or discomfort in your leg worsens when you bend your foot.
- You experience sudden shortness of breath or chest pain that worsens when you cough or breathe deeply.
How can I prevent DVT and vein disease?
The best way to lower your risk for DVT and vein disease is to get regular checkups with your doctor and take all medications as directed. Here are some additional ways you can lower your risk:
- Stop smoking
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Be physically active every day
- Wear loose clothing when you travel
- Avoid prolonged sitting or standing—get up and move your body every 2 hours, especially when you’re on a plane or long car trip
- Stay hydrated
If you’d like to lower your risk of blood clots, DVT or vein disease, contact the vein care specialists at Carolina Vein Specialists for a comprehensive evaluation. Call 336-218-8346 to schedule an appointment today.