Spider veins are small, thin veins that typically appear on the surface of the skin along the legs, arms or face. Like varicose veins, spider veins are caused by weakened or damaged valves in the veins. Unlike varicose veins, spider veins are often harmless but can cause discomfort in some cases.
While spider veins are often considered a cosmetic issue, they can also indicate a more serious health disorder that can threaten your circulatory health and increase your risk of future vein problems if left untreated. In certain situations, these pink, blue or purple veins can cause stinging, aching or sensations of burning. To find out if spider vein treatment, like sclerotherapy, is covered by insurance, visit Carolina Vein Specialists for a complete vein examination.
What is a vein screening?
A spider or varicose vein screening is a noninvasive way to determine how your veins are functioning. These examinations typically include a medical history questionnaire, visual examination of your veins and a Doppler assessment of the abnormal veins. A Doppler ultrasound estimates the blood flow through your blood vessels by bouncing high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) off circulating red blood cells. This screening does not require incisions, anesthesia or preparation beforehand.
When is spider vein treatment covered by insurance?
A medically necessary treatment is one that’s required to protect or maintain your health, wellbeing or overall comfort. Though spider veins are often cosmetic, an in-office vein screening can identify underlying problems that may affect your overall health. For this reason, noticeable spider veins should not be dismissed as a purely aesthetic or cosmetic issue. Spider veins can sometimes develop because of an underlying condition like venous insufficiency, a condition in which the veins have trouble sending blood from the limbs back to the heart.
If the ultrasound reveals evidence of swelling, ulcers or backward flow of blood (reflux), your procedure will likely be deemed medically necessary and therefore covered by Medicare and many other insurance carriers. It is important to note most insurance carriers will need to review your ultrasound results to confirm treatment is necessary for your health and approve coverage.
When is spider vein treatment considered cosmetic?
Vein treatments performed to address concerns related to appearance or aesthetics are considered cosmetic and will not be covered by your health insurance provider. These procedures are not considered medically necessary to maintain your health but may be performed to address emotional concerns like self-consciousness and confidence.
How much does spider vein treatment cost?
Whether you’re considering spider vein treatment for cosmetic or medical issues, it can help restore your skin to its natural-looking complexion. If you’re concerned about your appearance, Carolina Vein Specialists offers various systems and plans to help make your vein procedure financially viable. The cost of spider vein treatment varies depending on the severity of your condition, diagnosis, needs and interests.
If you’re interested in treatment for your spider veins, call Carolina Vein Specialists at 336-536-6522. Our specialists can help you answer the question, “Is spider vein treatment covered by insurance?” with a quick, in-office vein screening.