- Please inform us of any allergy to medications you may have.
- Please fill the enclosed prescription for Alprazolam (Xanax) and bring it with you to surgery.
- You will be receiving a local anesthetic and perhaps an oral sedative during the procedure. As such, we cannot allow you to drive home. Please arrange for someone to take you home following this procedure.
- Your appoint time is for two hours. This includes time for set-up as well as a period of time to recover from the sedative. The procedure itself usually lasts about one hour. Please be at the office 15 minutes prior to your appointment.
- Please do not wear “flip-flop” type shoes the day of the procedure.
- If you take aspirin, other blood thinners, or supplements such as vitamins C & E on a regular basis, please tell the doctor.
- Shave the operative leg the night before your surgery.
- Please eat a small meal one – two hours prior to your procedure. DO NOT come to the office on an empty stomach.
- Please bring your thigh-high compression stockings with you on the day of your surgery.
- After the procedure, you will have a dressing on your leg. Please leave this dressing in place until the following day. Do not get your dressing wet. You may use a trash bag in the shower to cover your leg and keep your dressing dry.
- We expect you to resume all of your pre-procedure activities (including work) the following day, except for heavy lifting. We would like you to continue to keep moving and maintain a normal level of activity.
- After your surgery, avoid strenuous exercise such as high-impact aerobics, weight training or running for two weeks. Walking daily (30 minutes or more) is encouraged and promotes speedy healing. Avoid prolonged sitting or standing for the first week.
- Post-surgery instructions will be reviewed with you following your procedure.
- Please read the enclosed consent forms and bring them with you on the day of your procedure.
- Call us if you have any questions.